We hate and condemn them, and nevertheless, they are still personified.
The N00b's.
I believe there are a few guys who don't know what 'noobing' is.
Nevertheless, it is easy to explain.
One calls a 'N00B' if he plays unfair, e.g., does Chatkills or takes n00b-Weapons.
- Chatkills: If some is in chat, and you kill him than this is a "chatkill". It is very unfair to kill someone during he is in chat, 'cause during this time he can't move.
- Camping: If you stand a long time on one place and wait till someone comes you can shoot. Remain always in movement and not always wait for an opportunity.
- Bacta-Noobing: If you are in a 1on1-Match with you opponet and you take Bacta, than this is noobing.
- Wookian Rocket Launcher: The Rocketlauncher is a noob-weapon 'cause you can fire Steering-missiles, so your opponet hasen't got a chance to flee.
- Trandoshan Heavy Repteargun: The THR is a noob-weapon 'cause it fires so many bulltes all at once that it is impossible to flee.
- Concussionrifle: To shoot with the Concussionrifle is noobing 'cause it has a so big radius so you haven't to aim exactly just in the direction of you opponet.
- Anti Armor Attachment: The Anti-Armot-Attachment is the same like the Rocketlauncher. It's Granades explodes even is strikes on the ground.
- EC-Grenades: If you throw the EC-Grenades it is real noobing. The problem by these nades is, that you loos live even if you run out of the explosion-radius.
- Sonic-Grenades: Call this Nade as a "N00b-weapon" is 'cause it explodes even it strikes on the ground.